Saturday, September 23, 2017

Jumping Jack

John and Julie went to the football game in Lincoln this afternoon; so Ben and Carolyn brought Sadie and Jack up to spend some time with us. They are very much at home here and always seem to have a good time. The "animals" and their own toy "chest" helps. Sadie had Soccer practice this morning and seems to enjoy it. Jack watched enough of the football game that he showed Ben how he could "jump up" and count the number  consecutively. He got up to 11 and I don't know if he got tired or if that was as high as he could count. We probably spent more time in the unit here today than any time since we moved. I took Elaine to the Beauty Shop, later picked her up, and that was all we were gone. We had a great Bar-B-Que Rib dinner this noon with a nice salad and excellent dessert.  They delivered our Hamburger, French Fries, & Fruit salad for supper so we didn't have to leave watching Nebraska winning 27-17 over Rutgers. We went through many old pictures today as we sort them and put most in storage. I hope to scan many and put them on DVDs. We came across one picture of Elaine and I dressed in "square dance regalia" with the date of "May 1981" written on the back. It appeared to be a professional picture but neither of us could remember it. With a little Journal review, it seems to have been taken at the square dance club "graduation".

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