Friday, September 8, 2017

A Hard Day's Work with Family Time

I worked much of the day going through things in  bookcases in my old office after having taken several of my plaques off the wall. We brought the plaques up and put them in the closet to wait and see how they fit into the scheme of a sewing room, computer area and "Dad's new office" all in our small 2nd bedroom. I found some things on the shelves that hadn't been viewed for years. These old baseball magazines are an example. I wondered if Tim may wish to have these put on his "pile" in the "Save" category; I also have Auction, Et Ceteria, Recycle, and Garbage categories. I added several old SCS items to Jon's pile today including an old personal notebook of Carl Lindstrom's, my old boss and mentor. I was his Assistant while he served as Director of the Personnel Division and when he died very suddenly following a stroke, I inherited his job and his notebook. This happened back in 1972 so some of the information is no longer as germane as it was at the time compiled.
Julie, John, Sadie and Jack came up to visit this evening. We are always happy to see them and Jack seems more "grown-up" each time. They played soccer on the grass out in our backyard and then came in and "helped" Elaine sort some of her old jewelry. Sadie got along real well with a couple old necklaces and Jack didn't even realize that most boys don't wear dangle ear rings on both ears. We are so pleased to see Julie playing her cello with the Concordia group. She is very impressed with David, their conductor who played the piano to accompany us Kiwanis Kitones when he was in Jr. High. This was a busy day and we didn't even have our usual nap.

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