Tuesday, September 12, 2017

A Red Letter Day of Progress

This was a "red-letter " day for "moving it forward". Jim was in after breakfast and got our TV "going" in our computer/sewing room. He worked diligently for well over an hour, making phone calls, and trying various combinations before being successful.The new Spectrum system is challange enough but then coming through the Brookdale central server makes it even more diffficult; but Jim got it working just great. He was gone for less than an hour when Roger got here from Windstream to switch our land line telephone system from the house to our new home. Here again Jim had to show him around and help him with the Brookdale system. The telephones were fairly simple but we also use Windstream as our Internet provider.
The process of getting the HP PC and printer set up was also complicated somewhat with the Brookdale system. I have been able to "latch-on" to their system with my laptop since we have been here but it's not possible with my old PC. Brookdale policy provides TV and Internet service but not for land-line telephone.  The Manager here assures us that we will need to pay the Monthly Windstream billing and they will reimburse us for the Internet portion of the bill.  Roger is shown here checking on the printer to assure that it will print remotely from the laptop. As I worked at the computer this afternoon, I watched the stock market go up, and glanced out the window to see a blooming red rose bush, I told Elaine that this is a better set-up than I had at home. Our goal is to Organize, Arrange and Adapt other imprtant components of our daily lives so we can say the same thing about them.

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