Friday, November 22, 2013

J. F. K. Memorial

The JFK Grave and Eternal Flame is located near the Custis Lee Mansion and directly in line with Memorial Bridge. The Eternal Flame was in place soon after the burial but the area as shown in the picture wasn't completed until some time later. I was taking night classes at George Washington University at the time. Normally I would walk the mile or so from the South Agriculture Building to class after getting off work; eating a sandwich and apple on the way. Elaine would drive down to pick me up after class.
This pattern continued for 2 or 3 years after the Eternal Flame and simple Monument was in place. It is located directly in line with the Memorial Bridge across the Potomac. I don't believe there was a time that we drove across that bridge that we didn't observe the Flame and reflect on President Kennedy. We had many guests and family members visit us during our years in the area, and this was always a stop on our tour of showing them around. The Navy Sea Chanters sang the Navy Hymn as the Kennedy Casket was carried from the Capitol Rotunda.  We sing "Eternal Father Strong to Save" at Kiwanis occasionally and it still brings a lump to my throat.  "How people make us feel about ourselves" is probably the most important factor of friendship. President Kennedy not only made the Country optimistic about the future, but made each of us feel better about ourselves and anxious to "Do What We Could For Our Country". 

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