Monday, April 13, 2020

A Happy Easter

Our Easter Celebration Yesterday was pretty "low keyed" in comparison to when our 4 kids were at this age. We did have phone calls from all 3 boys yesterrday which were greatly appreciated. We talk to Carolyn quite frequently and today had an electric razor delivered after just mentioning that it would make a nice Birthday present this summer. We heard about the 5 Grandchildren having a Zoom experience yesterday. Today I had my introduction. The Seward Kiwanis meeting attempted to have a "Zoom" meeting. Marv Taylor invited me to join him this noon for the meeting.  It was an introduction but still had some bugs to be ironed out before it's ready to go public. I'm having problems receiving mail messages on my laptop nor can I get the "in use dot" removed from the Mail icon at the base of the desktop. Any thoughts or ideas would be welcomed. I tried to shut down thinking that may restore the "quit mail" but a note says in can't shut down with mail open. I don't know how to get mail shut down.

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