Tuesday, April 7, 2020

1987, Fishing Trip in Canada

Julie took violin lessons for some time with Mr. Collier who came out from Lincoln. It got her started on a "path" she continues to follow. We had gone to Kay Orr's Inagural Dinner and Dance as I was interested in  Directing an Agency. We continued with our development to the State Soil Conservation Strategy and awarded many State S & W Conservation Pins.  We helped Carolyn move into the 5th St. House. We took the Motorhome & VW out to Reno, NV for an NACD meeting and visited The Custer Battle Ground beforJe going on down to Phoenix for the NE Irrigation tour. We saw the "moved", London Bridge. I continued to work with Sen. Harold Sieck on the Grass Land Protection Act. Coffee at Don Miller's on Saturday morning

was a must. Bill Hartmann did some repair work on 81-A. I bought and planted another 40lbs. of Foundation Switchgrass Seed. Vivian had a nice Teacher Retirement party. We used Paul Hoff's "Tree Spade" to move trees at the farm. Verlon and Kli flew out to visit. Gov. Orr issued a "Soil Stewardship Document" which I had written. Dayle hosted the NRC Picnic at his Waverly home. Ted and Muffy had us down where Dad played the accordion and we danced. We visited Walt Bailey's Prairie Pines with the Seward Garage. In Aug. we went to the SCSA meeting in Bozeman, MT. Visited the PMC at Billings. We and Willard & Audrey Kilzer spent a few days at the Delaney Fishing Resort in Canada. We drove the Motorhome to Kenora and were flown in from there. Paid tribute to Reinhold Marxhausen in Seward.

1 comment:

  1. Tony- I just wanted to let you know that I read over several of your blog pages, and I found them to be both informative and interesting. I also saw that you read "The Last Boy, Mickey Mantle". Being a Yankee fan, I will need to get that book.
    Mel J. Janousek (a Kiwanis buddy)
