Thursday, June 14, 2018

It's not Easy

Elaine got her hair cut and permanent down at Shear Reflections this afternoon. I had planned to get my hair cut at "Bob's" but found a "Closed Thursday afternoon" sign on his inside door. This was after I had parked and went to considerable effort to get there. I then went down to Pac n Sav with the order Elaine had written. I got along OK with things I often buy but canned cherries, hand lotion, toilet paper and a few other things were a challenge. The shopping took me out to near the limit of time that I can be on my feet. When the checker left her register to take care of others, I just sat down on the "sacking circle". With the temperature pushing 100, I thought best to get them up to the Unit. When Elaine and I do this together, I can help unload at the front door and she can make whatever number of trips it takes to get them in #125. By myself, I just set them by the door, parked the car and made a couple trips getting them carried in. After a few minutes of resting, I went back down to pick up Elaine. In putting the groceries away, she noticed that I got cans of strawberries instead of Cherries.

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