Saturday, December 2, 2017

Things are Looking Up.

Here is our "Wonder Woman" Carolyn who put up more pictures in our unit this afternoon . She doesn't put up one  picture at a time by driving a nail in the wall like I used to do. She uses tape measure, level, tape and puts up paper cutout models of where they will go. We had so much more room in our house than we do here that we have selected only our favorites . This is the west wall of our west room.
While this was going on at our place, the selection of Scott Frost as the Nebraska new Football Coach was announced. We wish the "Native son" all the success but trust that Nebraska fans and officials give him time to rebuild a winner. While Central Florida was turned around in his 2 years, I believe it will take 3-5 years for Nebraska to be in the upper rankings. We need to look back at Tom Osborne's early years as Coach. Meanwhile, us "Old Folks" will sit back patiently, enjoy our pictures and the memories of past "Glory Days" in Life as well as football.

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