Friday, December 22, 2017

The Christmas Spirit

We got this picture yesterday after Larry paid Elaine in cash for her Colorado Sandstone Art piece. Though it has been in our house since 1973, she was real pleased to see it go to someone who really appreciated it. In addition to Larry having 2 first cousin ladies here in Brookdale, he and Leroy are the fathers of a son and daughter who married. (Does that make them "Father's in Law?"). Leroy has been here in Brookdale (Heartland Park) for a number of years and will become another good friend. It appears that folks here develop relationship somewhat similar to what young people do in Sororities and Fraternities. After being here for 4 months, we continue to make new friends and get closer to old ones. Our friend Marvin with whom we normally eat dinner and supper, has become comfortable enough with Elaine to even ask how to soften up hard cookies. He and I had a "Joint Project" this evening before supper when the two of us had to work together to get the little green, felt Christmas tree to stand erect at the top of our accouterments holder on the center of the table. Elaine took our picture with the phone when the task was completed.
Between Marvin and I, we have over 185 years of experience in much in the same area. We knew many of the same people and enjoy talking about events that occurred years ago. At the table this evening, we even talked about what we give our Grandchildren for Christmas. While we only have 5, he has considerably more but all are treated very well. As a farmer, he was never one to belong to as many organizations as I did, and says that "family" was always the ones with whom they most closely associated. The Spirit of Christmas also has it's favorable impact on everyone here which hopefully will extend into the new year. 

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