Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Jackie Robinson #42

We saw the movie "42" this evening at the Rivoli theater here in Seward. The movie was great and a pretty accurate portrayal of what Jackie Robinson had to tolerate as the first Black baseball player in the Major Leagues. While I was well aware of the importance of Branch Rickey in breaking the color barrier, the movie makes his roll even greater than I had known. Many people today may not be able to relate to, or even believe the punishment to which Robinson was subjected. I had not seen it here in Nebraska but as I traveled into the South in the early 60's, it was very evident. I was fortunate  to work for a Federal Agency that was recognized as a leader in bringing African Americans in to professional positions. We in the Soil Conservation Service worked with the 1890 Land Grant Colleges in strengthening their curriculum, providing "student trainee" opportunities and making it possible for employees to demonstrate their abilities. The efforts were successful to the extent that one such student has advanced to the top leadership position in the Agency. Jackie Robinson and Branch Rickey integrated more than baseball. They paved the way for Martin Luther King to see his dream. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Elaine & Arguta Spirea

Our temperature hit 83 degrees  today. As recently as 4 days ago we were below freezing. Elaine is shown here standing behind our Arguta Spirea bush. The Arguta flowers come out the earliest of any of the Spireas and have been frosted back a couple times this spring. I've always liked the Arguta better than the more common Vanhoutte Spirea because of the appearance of the bush. The leaves are long and narrow and create a "Fern like" appearance. I became acquainted with several varieties of Spirea while working with Nebraska Nurseries many years ago. Elaine was out in the back yard helping me mow our backyard lawn for the first time this spring. The over seeding that we did a couple weeks ago has come up but the weather has been cool up until the last couple days.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Julie & Sadie

Here is Julie feeding Sadie with a spoon. She is already able to distinguish between the taste of various foods. Sadie is about the age that Julie was when we moved back to Nebraska. Carolyn, Julie, and Vic moved back to Seward from North Carolina just a few days ahead of us. Carolyn and Julie spent a lot of time with us and came to live with us after Vic went back east. The transition from working in Professional jobs in Washington D.C. and living in a relatively new 5 bedroom house to living in an old farmhouse was not easy. Having Carolyn and Julie with us was a real factor in helping us make the change. I'm sure that I spent more time with Julie as she grew to adulthood than I was able to spend with any of our four kids. Elaine and I take pleasure from seeing "the little girl that we helped raise" be the loving Mother that she has become. 

Saturday, April 27, 2013

George Jones R.I.P

Country singer George Jones died yesterday at 81. He lived a hard life with alcohol , drugs, multiple divorces and a beautiful, rich voice. He was among my favorites, and I remember seeing him perform in Nashville. Our phonograph record list shows this album as #300. That is as far as our index goes. We have bought records since but quit listing them in our index. Technology has made records like these obsolete. When we moved to Arlington, VA, back in 1962, we had "Stranger on the Shore", a portable record player and maybe as many as 12 records. We added to our collection as time went on and our income increased. By the mid-Seventies our collection had grown to where we started a numbering system. It was done chronologically by date purchased. After getting a computer, we were able to take our  chronological file and print out listings by category and by Artist. We have 63 albums listed in "Country Western", 36 under Polkas, within the 300 numbered. Jones' greatest hit, "He Stopped Loving Her Today", came out after we quit buying very many records.  Country Music Television listed the top 100 Country songs back in 2003. Tammy Wynette's "Stand by Your Man" was number #1 and Jonse's "He Stopped Loving Her Today" as #2. I listened to it today on Pandora Radio, it's still a great song and George's voice was perfect for the message.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Elaine & I Planting River Birch Trees

This picture was taken on April 15, 2006 right after we had planted 3 (2-trunk) River Birch trees where our old Purple Ash was located. The challenge was not the planting but rather, the cutting out the old Ash root system. The chain saw was a help but it was still a big job. The Birches have now been though 7 growing seasons and are over 30 feet high. Having a flower bed around the trees helps them grow faster, mainly because of the extra water that is put on the flowers and secondly, no grass competition.  The cooling unit of the Air Conditioner and the yellow water hose have both been replaced. The spade and shovel that we are holding are still with us. The spade goes back to my days of working at Nebraska Nurseries but we bought the shovel new about 30 years ago. While spades and shovels  generally depreciate over time, the Birch trees keep getting more valuable.
 (PS) Elaine says she still has the same blouse and I still have the same shirt.
Happy Arbor Day

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Presidential Libraries

We watched some of the dedication of the George  W. Bush Library this morning. It is down in the Dallas area and adds to the list of those that we haven't visited. Other Presidents with "modern" libraries that we haven't visited are: Kennedy, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and Clinton. We have visited the Herbert Hoover Library in West Branch, IA; Franklin D. Roosevelt in Hyde Park, NY; Harry S Truman in Independence, MO; Dwight D. Eisenhower in Abilene, KS; Lyndon B. Johnson at College Station, TX; Jimmy Carter in Atlanta; George H. W. Bush at College Station, TX. We have enjoyed all of those we visited. They are definitely worth the extra time it takes to visit them when you are in the area. I probably enjoyed the FDR library the most. We were there back in the late 70's where I bought a 2-volume set of books that contained Presidential Letters on Soil and Water Conservation during his years in office. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Old Men & Toy Tractors

Here are the 4 Model Tractors that I bought at the Ed Pollak auction Sunday. The first (top left) is a John Deere 1957 Model “720 Hi-Crop” Tractor. The second (top right) is a 1934 John Deere Model “A”, the third (lower left) is a 1937 John Deere Model “G”. The last is a 15-30 McCormick-Deering “straight tractor. The 15-30 was first produced by the International Harvester Company in 1921 and production at the Milwaukee factory topped off at 35,525 in 1929. These 1/16 size Models really have little value in and of themselves. However, we buy them for the memories they provoke. The first tractor we had was a used 10-20 McCormick-Deering in 1943. It was very similar to the 15-30 only smaller. The numbers represent the amount of horsepower on the drawbar and belt. We didn’t have a Model “G” JD but our neighbors did. Willard went along with us to an Auction during the war where one was sold to the lottery winner at the “Price Administration set price”. Elaine’s Dad had an “A” JD very similar to this one. His may have been a few years newer than ’34 but by the time we got our “A” in ’44 they were “stylized”. I bought a JD “720” Diesel at a Bee, NE Auction in 1981 when we came back to the farm. It was a row-crop with a “pony engine” and a real classic. It brought about $2,500. when we had our auction in 1989. There were a limited number of the 720 Diesels produced with the little 4 cylinder starting engine. The Director of the Nebraska Tractor Museum asked us to donate it to them but at the time,  we felt we needed the money. I have regretted that decision ever since I saw it leaving the farm after the Auction was over. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My Friend, Ed Pollak

The Scott Duer Auction Service had the Ed & Chris Pollak estate sale at the Seward 4-H building last Sunday afternoon. As well as I knew Ed, I was surprised at the number of items on the Auction. I was particularly impressed by the some 45 Precision Toy Tractors and Farm Equipment. I have one Precision tractor among my collection of 25. Carolyn and I spent all afternoon there and bought more things than either of us needed. Much of what I bought was in memory of Ed. We go back a long way. In September of 1946 Ed, Bub, Don, brother Don and I went on a trip to the Ozarks and spent several days in Conway, AK where Bub's car was being repaired. In January 1948 the 5 of us went back to Quantico, VA and Washington, D.C. where Don got a car from his Marine brother. In September of '48, Ed, brother Don and I went to Chicago and saw the White Sox beat the Yankees and the Cardinals beat the Cubs. Young ladies took priority over travel at about this stage of our lives, but we remained good friends. As recently as June of 1911, Don, Ed and I spent a very enjoyable afternoon touring our “Old Home Places” in the Bohemian Alps north of Garland and ended up in Bee.

Ed was an excellent  Heavy Equipment Operator. He began as an "A" township road maintainer,  worked for the City of Seward, Rolfsmeier Construction, Bill Robinson Construction and the Nogus Sweenie Construction Company from which he retired in 1991. He was known as "Mr. Fix It" and was always willing to help people with cars or anything that needed to be fixed. 


Monday, April 22, 2013

Sadie's Latest "Trick"

This shows Sadie's latest "trick": sucking her big toe. She continues to amaze and entertain us with something new each time we see her. She is a very fortunate little girl to have the care and nurturing that is hers to enjoy. Our program at Kiwanis this noon was on CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) where we learned of the number of children nationally and locally that are provided an Advocate to "stand-by" and help them as they move through the Court system.  Our newspaper yesterday told of the number of students in SE Nebraska involved in the "Back Pack"  program. We have over 60 students in the Seward School system that participate in the program sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Seward. I just got home from Kiwanis Ketone practice at the Methodist Church where we see parents picking up  children from the Day Care facility. I am pleased that Sadie is blessed with the family support that she receives. I wish that could be the normal for every child. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

This is the front page of the Lincoln Nebraska State Journal telling of the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt on April 12, 1945. My memory is confirmed in my Diary that ”I had come home with the tractor from another place we were farming and Vivian ran out to tell me that the President had died”. The President died suddenly of a massive cerebral hemorrhage after complaining of a sever headache. He was 63 years old and vacationing at the little White House in Warm Springs, GA. Roosevelt had been sworn in to an unprecedented 4th term only months before. To many of us, he was the only President we had “known”. Vice-President Harry S. Truman was sworn in as President by Chief Justice Harlan Stone. The Allies were closing in on Germany which surrendered on May 7, 1945. Truman had not been involved in the development of the Atomic Bomb but concurred in its being dropped on Hiroshima, Japan on August 7 and Nagasaki on the 9th. The Japanese surrendered on the 20th. While it has long been assumed that the their surrender resulted from the bombs, recent theories have been advanced that Russia's declaration of war against the Japanese was the final determinant. The rational being that the Japanese preferred negotiating a peace settlement with the U. S. rather than Russia.  

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Nebraska Hall of Agricultural Achievement.

We  attended the Nebraska Hall of Agricultural Achievement Dinner at the East Campus Union in Lincoln last evening. Sharing our table among others, was Chuck Hibberd and his wife. Dr. Hibberd is a native of Lexington, NE who received his BS degree in Animal Science from UNL. He went on to get his MS and PhD at Oklahoma State. He was named Dean & Director of UNL Extension last August after a stint at Purdue following time at the Nebraska Panhandle Station . 
The Hall of Ag Achievement has existed for nearly 100 years. There are some 200 current members. Recognized as Honorees this year from among the membership were Dr. Ted H. Doane who had a long career in Animal Science at UNL. And, Kieth Olsen, immediate Past President of the Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation. 
Elaine is pictured here with the Hibberd's reflecting her long relationship with the Extension Service. She was working for the Extension Service at the time of our wedding and her brother Dr. Dale Flowerday has had a close relationship with Extension over the years. In fact, Dr. Hibberd mentioned to Elaine last night that he had taken an Agronomy course from Dale during his undergrad days. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Julie and Grandad

Julie has always been a good student. It is apparent in this picture taken 30 years ago. You can see the intensity in her posture as she learned about the eyes in seed potatoes and how they should be cut up for planting. We didn't plant any potatoes this spring which is a break from the past. The area where we have planted them was included in what was seeded to grass this spring. Julie and Sadie came to visit us this afternoon. We were able to watch Julie feed her Sweet Potatoes which she really seemed to enjoy. She was not as excited about the Avacado/Bananna mix. It's always a Great Day when they come to visit.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

Craig Derickson, Nebraska State Conservationist for the Natural Resources Conservation Service of USDA spoke last night at the Spring Dinner Meeting to the Retirees from his organization. Also shown are Gus Dornbusch and his wife Donna and Gary Muckel peeking over the podium.  Craig brought the retirees from SCS/NRCS up-to-date on current activities of the Agency. For over 75 years the Soil Conservation Service (renamed NRCS during the '90's) has provided agricultural producers and private landowners with locally led assistance to help them implement voluntary conservation practices that protect our nation's Natural Resources. I worked for the Agency from 1948 till 1980. Our son Jon began with the Agency while still in College and has in over 35 years. It is a noble calling. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bottled Water

Much of Nebraska has been in a drought for the past couple years. I don't think there is any connection between that weather condition and our local Grocery Store putting in their supply of bottled drinking water. We are a city of nearly 7,000 citizens and have 2 grocery stores in addition to this one. We also have a city water treatment plant with a reverse osmosis system that is state of the art in providing high quality drinking water through our City water system. I thought the fad of drinking bottled water had tapered off but evidently the Manager of this store anticipates a continuing demand. I suspect that the water in these bottles came out of a city water system somewhere and doubt that it is any better than ours right out of the tap.  

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Knickers and Chevrolet

The weather wasn't inviting for outside work today so we spent some time getting ready for a spring Garage Sale. We have many old picture frames and old magazines. I decided to see how some of the old pages would look in a frame. These are my first efforts. The Chevrolet advertisement is from an old 1955 Farm Journal Magazine. I don't know much about the Modern Woodman but this is the cover from the September 1935 issue. We moved to the farm during the year I was in the 1st grade. I'm certain that I never wore knickers to country school but I definitely remember when I got my first pair of long pants. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Spring Yard Clean-Up

This picture was taken 6 years ago but it could have been taken today. My "yard work" objective for the day included putting the snow blower away for the summer and getting out the lawn mower. It also included cleaning out the area that Elaine is working on in the picture. The Pfitzer shown here had outgrown it's usefulness and I cut it out yesterday. Elaine raked out the leaves today while I ran the gas out of the snow blower and put it away. Then I took the bag off the mower and chopped up the leaves. They had "weathered" but had enough moisture in them that they chopped up into a course powder. We carried two  garbage  cans of it back to the compost pile. We had our exercise for the day; came in the house for a cup of coffee; turned on the TV to see how far down the market had closed, and learned of the Boston tragedy. April 15 will now have another memory in addition to Income Tax and the date of our Farm Auction. 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sadie's visit

Sadie, her Mother and Grand Mother came to visit this afternoon. Great Grand Mother brought out a little book that had belonged to Julie when she was a child. It was a new "toy" for her which she enjoyed. She is also learning to drink from a new cup that has a "built in" valve to keep it from leaking out of the drinking opening. She always seems to have a good time when she comes to visit us but don't believe  she enjoys it nearly as much as we do. Every  time we see her she has grown in skills and abilities. The Ladies visit was timely since I had just finished my hour and a half working in the yard. Since I haven't played golf this year, I'm trying to get some exercise with yard work. It's not a good trade-off but I don't play basketball any more either. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Seward Clean-Up Day 2013

    Scott Willett has headed up the Seward Clean Up Day for the past few years. He has been assisted by his wife and they are shown here as they checked in "customers". People brought old appliances, televisions, computers, printers, lawn mowers, grills, bikes, scrapped metal, etc. A $10.00 fee was charged for refrigerators, freezers, computer monitors, televisions and air conditioners. Scott is retired from the Natural Resources Conservation  Service where he coordinated activities over a several County area. He has been instrumental in working with the Fehlhafer's from Utica in bringing in their Crusher that has simplified the recycling process.
    The Crusher has an "arm" that reaches out to unload heavy items from a truck, puts them in the crusher that compacts them  and then loads them in the big truck. This annual clean up day was begun about 15 years ago. At that time football players from Concordia were recruited to lift heavy items off the trucks. The City used a front end Loader to put them in "roll offs". There wasn't nearly as much recycled in those days as there is now. It has become a very efficient process and much of the "Thanks" goes to Scott. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Republican Party Nominees in 1944

This 28-page document was put out by the Republican Party of Nebraska  on it's Nominees and the Republican Party Platform ahead of the November 7, 1944 election. It includes a message from A. T. Howard, Chairman of the State Republican Party; Pictures and write-ups on Thomas E. Dewey, Governor of New York for President, John W. Bricker Governor of Ohio for VP, Dwight Griswold for re-election to Governor of Nebraska. Nebraska had 4 congressional districts at that time. Carl  T. Curtis, Howard Buffett,   Karl Stefan and A. L. Miller were all running for re-election. The full slate of State level candidates are listed. They include: Roy William Johnson, Lt. Gov.; Frank Marsh, Sec'y of State; Ray C. Johnson, Auditor; Carl G. Swanson, Treasurer; Walter R. Johnson, Attorney General; Duane T. Swanson, Railway Commissioner.  It wasn't until the election of '46 that I was able to vote for the first time. My Dad told me that if I didn't know anything about either of the candidates, to vote for the one who's name ended in "son". It is obvious that many people must have followed that rational. The Frank Marsh and Ray C. Johnson were later followed by relatives with the same name without many voters recognizing the change.
Here is the page on Howard Buffett, the Republican candidate for his 2nd term from the 2nd District. He was Warren's Father. While Warren makes reference to his living in Washington, D. C. as a young man, I have never seen much about his Father's political career. Carl Curtis went on to serve as a Nebraska Senator for several terms after many years as a Congressman. He and Roman Hruska were the Nebraska Senators during much of our time in D. C. We would visit with them frequently at our Nebraska Society Meetings that the Congregational Delegation usually attended. Those were the days and nights. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Waterway Maintenance and Soil Conservation

Our weather continues to be cold with snow flurries which made for another day of working in the basement. We got out a box of old magazines, newspapers, etc. that hadn't been opened for many years. Much of it was "stuff" that came from Flowerday's collectibles. Included was a March 1955 issue of Cappers Farmer. It included an article by Robert Enlow on "Keep Those Waterways Working" and featured Elaine's Dad, Albert Flowerday. It described how Albert would use his Ford tractor to bring in good soil to fill small ditches in waterways along with Clumps of Reed Canary Grass. Albert was very conscious of any soil erosion and would do whatever was necessary to eliminate it. After he retired from farming, he worked in a seasonal job with the Soil Conservation Service before working for the County by operating a Motor Grader maintaining rural roads. He left the land in better condition than he found it. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Pleasures and Disappointments

It was disappointing to hear that the Louvre in Paris was closed down today because of "bands" of young immigrant children pick-pocketing tourist and disappearing. Julie got such pleasure of seeing Edgar Degas' "Little Dancer Age Fourteen" when we visited there back in 1998. The Little Dancer first appeared along with other Degas works in an 1881 Paris exhibit of impressionist art. The Artist had been working on her since the late 1970's. The original sculpture was of wax and dressed more elaborately than the current versions. It was only after Degas' death in 1917 that the "Little Dancer" was cast in bronze, with added fabric tutu and hair ribbon. Julie had been involved with ballet for a number of years before our trip which helped to stimulate her interest in the object. I just happened to catch her in the picture.
The Louvre being closed down wasn't our only disappointment today. It was an icy, cold day and Elaine and I spent much of the day on a computer project. I would do some reading from an old Diary and dictate quips to Elaine which she typed in a Word Document. We were about finished when the screen went dark and we haven't been able to bring it back to life. Unfortunately, we hadn't saved anything as we went along so it may be lost. We may have to take the monitor along with the computer tomorrow to check on the problem.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Hospice Services

We have had a "distant" perspective of Hospice for several years without any direct involvement. Our knowledge was based on information from people who had been involved when family members received Hospice care. Everything we have heard has been very positive. We are members of a Social Organization that had Hospice representatives present the program at a recent meeting. My respect and appreciation for Hospice was only strengthened by their presentation. Their Mission Statement includes: "to affirm life during its final stages by providing holistic compassionate care to patients and their families,..." The point was  made that the cost of their services were basically covered by Medicare. Ironically, the program for our Monday Kiwanis meeting was the above ladies representing a different Hospice organization that also provides services in our area. They even brought pie for dessert which was enjoyed after a Pac n Sav catered meal. We learned there are 7 organizations in Lincoln that provide Hospice services. Prior to my "new found knowledge", I wasn't aware that customers choose their Hospice provider just as they choose their phone,  Internet, or other providers of goods and services. Competition has always been important in our Market Economy and it doesn't diminish my respect for Hospice services nor of the dedicated people that provide them.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Signs of Spring

We woke up this morning to very heavy fog. If the old saying holds true, we should get rain about the 8th of July; chances are we will need it.  We did get about 0.20 last night. The fog cleared early and I got this picture of our first Daffodils. We did some more work on our lawn sprinklers today. I think we have them all "up and running". Our Rainbird System was installed over 40 years ago when the house was built. While it has taken a reasonable amount of maintenance, it's really held up pretty well. One of the maintenance  items has been raising the level of the sprinkler heads. During those 40 years the grass has built as the soil, dust has blown in, and the lawn has actually raised an inch or so. It is also apparent next to the sidewalks though they may have subsided a bit. I haven't spent much time working in the yard the past several years when golf was a high priority. but since I haven't played yet this year, the yard becomes a higher priority and a greater challenge. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Czechs and Balances

We drove down to the old Warren Opera House in Friend, NE this afternoon where the "York Czechs" and the Nebraska Humanities sponsored Dr. Bruce Garner. He is a History Professor at UNO and spoke on Czech immigration to America and its relationship with Agriculture. It appeared that a high percentage of the 100 or so in attendance had Czech roots. He told of the revolution against the Hapsburg Austria-Hungary Empire in 1848 which brought about the end of Serfdom and enabled "surfs" to leave the Country. Soon after opportunities opened up in America,  Rail Road Companies advertised in Europe and promoted the settlement of the Midwest. That change and the shortage of agricultural land over there were among the reasons that led to many of our ancestors coming here. Dr. Garner's presentation was preceded by a button accordion jamboree with 7 musicians. We enjoyed a delicious coffee and cookie time following his talk and Q &A discussion. Then we had a tour of the old Opera Hall upstairs. Great afternoon for anyone interested in Czech Heritage.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Seeding, Sadie & Sunshine

We are close to the Hospital and frequently hear the Helicopter as it transports patients to Lincoln. This morning Elaine thought that's what it was when I looked out the window and saw a crew from Merle's Green House working on our front yard. Their first pass was with a large Aerator, then they applied seed and went over again with a smaller aerator to help assure the seed/soil contact. They finished it off with a hand rake and were on their way in about an hour. Oh Yes, they left a pretty hefty bill. I turned the sprinklers on and found that they needed some attention but we got it watered down in good shape. We need RAIN
Our afternoon was brightened by Sadie and her parents visit. She will have her 8-month birthday on Monday. Though she enjoys standing up against the coffee table, sets up, rolls, and moves around all over the floor, she still hasn't started to crawl. She is also on the verge of cutting some teeth. She was in good spirits today and a bright spot in another day when I didn't play golf. It got up to 72 degrees again but I just don't have that burning desire to play golf that I've had in the past. My playing partner is also debating the issue. One of these days we just need to go out and play a round and then decide. Maybe tomorrow. 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Computer Technology

This was taken back in 1998 as I sat at our old computer. We have been through a couple computers since this one and even the over hanging light's location has been changed. The "eye catching"  picture is of Elaine, taken at the time of our wedding is still intact.  I finished my narrative of 1996 this afternoon and was amused by what I had written in my Journal about Jon helping me learn  to do email, Map Quest and a few other things. Elaine and I even enrolled in a Southeast Nebraska Community College computer class taught in Seward. I have been very fortunate in having family and others available over the years to help me become somewhat literate in computer usage. I admire kids, most of  whom seem to know all this "stuff" naturally. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Secretary Wm Seward and Alaska

Soon after purchasing Alaska from Russia in 1867, Secretary of State William H. Seward visited the State and village of Ketchikan. The Native Tlingit people held a potlatch honoring him and showered him with gifts. Secretary Seward nor his people were not aware of the Native Custom of the one so honored returning gifts of similar value to his host. A totem pole was soon constructed and erected as a further monument to him. However, even after learning of the Native Custom and vowing to return with gifts, he never did. The Native people discolored the face of his totem pole image as a sign of his "stinginess". That is the story we were told when we visited the site in 1989 and were told that it would continue to be discolored until a direct decedent of Seward's could make "recompense". Ironically, a Women's Club meeting was held in Seward soon after we got home and one of the speakers was a Mrs. Seward from the Friend/Exeter area. I contacted her and found that her husband was a direct decedent of the Secretary. I also took on a new job in Ankeny, IA and through it, was able to develop a relationship with an individual in the local Governor's office. He even went so far as to visit with the local Native Leaders and learned that a Potlatch would need to be held and gifts such as blankets could be given to the local leaders. We needed financing and leadership to clear up the long standing misunderstand but they were not to come forth. I lost my local support for financing and had health problems at the time that kept me from further activity. The project went dormant but it's still there today.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Plumbing Problems & Solutions.

Many of you will recognize this as the valve that fits inside a toilet tank. We had one quit functioning yesterday so shut the water off with the valve beneath the tank and contemplated how to get it repaired. They are not that difficult to install. I have done it in the past but was younger then. Elaine reminded me that we could afford to have a plumber do the work and I wouldn't have to take a chance of straining a muscle or worse in trying to do the job.  My Coffee Buddies confirmed her good judgement so I stopped at our local H & S Plumbing Shop and made my problems known. A young man who had done plumbing work for us in the past followed me home and in about 10 minutes had the new valve installed. I've checked and it hasn't leaked a drop. I don't know what the charges will be but I'm not going to worry about it. Living in a small town  where people are friends takes away the worry of what you may be charged for services. That in itself is worth quite a bit. Besides the money in the Bank is drawing very little interest, so why not spend it. Or as I tell the kids, we just took it out of the estate. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

1996 in Review

Elaine and I worked together this afternoon and finished scanning our 1996 pictures to put on a couple pages of collages. (That will bring us up to date with coverage for each of the past many years.) '96 was an interesting year. We went to Victoria Palms at Donna, TX in January. Elaine & I visited several of the National Parks in southern Utah on our way to the Kiwanis Int. Meeting in SLC. Our Kitones sang at the meeting and were able to attend the Sunday Morning performance of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. We had family reunions at Tekama, NE and at Mahoney State Park. Carolyn & Julie went along with us to the Annual SWCS Meeting in Keystone, Colorado. Julie attended Band Camp and played for the Shrine Bowl Game. We participated in the Nebraska SWCS annual meeting at Halsey National Forest. I was installed as President of our Kiwanis Club.  In November we visited Kiwanis International Headquarters in Indianapolis as well as Tim's family in Columbus, IN. Our timing was such that we participated in the Groundwater Guardian National meeting at McDonald's Hamburger University at Oakbrook, Illinois. I also played quite a bit of golf. 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Relaying Seward Brick Streets

Back in 1997 the City of Seward, along with the Downtown Businesses went through a major re-development project which involved water and sewer lines, sidewalks, curbs and street improvements. Many of the paving bricks had to be picked up by hand and later replaced. I was on the City Planning Commission and helped in the process along with other volunteers. Roger Welsch is shown here visiting with me about the project. He had a regular segment called "Postcards from Nebraska" on the CBS Sunday Morning show at that time and had a filming crew out to capture a story that was shown later. Mike Klintworth who was a leader of the Seward Business owners is also shown in the picture..