Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Coffee at Brookdale

Here is a group that had coffee this morning at Brookdale. We have tried this before but this time I think it will work at 10:30am every Tuesday morning. They are (l-r): Marv, Carl, Larry, Alan, Wes, John and me. While 5 of us were in the Seward Kiwanis Club together for some time, we asked Larry, Wes and John to tell us about their background and what brought them to this facility. We will provide the same opportunity later to others. Even though we had know some of them through Kiwanis, I think we all learned things of interest that was new information for us. We were all very complementary about the staff here at Brookdale and realize that we need the social interaction that such a group can provide. It was apparent from what we heard this morning that there is a wealth of knowledge and experience here and we all enjoy talking about it. We plan to meet in the private dining room next Tuesday where we have room for additional men and more privacy.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! Amazing what we can learn from each other when we take the time to listen and have the opportunity to do so! Congratulations for getting this organized!
    As Grandma Vrana used to say, "We are NEVERZ too old to learn"
