Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Black Hills Energy project.

In mid-August we noticed little white flags marking out a line on the east side of 1st street from Main Street, a block and a half south of us to Lincoln Avenue, some 4 blocks to the north. The flags were about 5’ from the street curb line. A few days later we received a letter from Black Hills Energy, which provides our Natural gas, saying they were “upgrading their system”.  After many days of having our street filled with construction equipment; a new plastic main was laid largely by underground drilling to replace the old metal pipe. Small “feeder lines” were run up to the houses, and gas was switched to the new line today. We had some concern about the feeder line coming to our meter on the side of our house, but they ran the new line through the old pipe which required very little disruption to our lawn or problem with our underground lawn sprinkler system. The construction fellows came in and re lit the pilot light on our hot water heater without any problem. However, it was necessary for them to have a gas company technician install a new thermo coupling to keep the furnace pilot light lit. We were pleased for this to be done  before cold weather arrives. They still have a lot of “lawn work and seeding” to do along our street but hopefully we will have a long, warm fall.

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