Wednesday, June 12, 2013

"Just US" at the Senior Center

"Just US" is what this group call themselves who entertained this noon for the Birthday/Anniversary Luncheon at the Seward Senior Center. They are from Lincoln and perform frequently at places where older people enjoy their music. Their music includes Country, Religious, and Popular tunes from years past. There were some 60 people who enjoyed the "Cordon Bleu" meal along with Peach Pie and ice cream. I, like several other friends, have a birthday and wedding anniversary both this month. There were several couples with wedding anniversaries of 60 or more years. We belonged to a Rural Youth Group before we were
married with a couple that were there today who have been married for 65 years. While we have made many good friends over the years (and continue to do so), it is special to "be able to grow old with old friends". While we usually participate in the Senior Center monthly Potato Bake and Birthday Dinners, we don't attend many of their daily activities. To many older people these activities are the highlight of their day. We are really grateful for the dedicated small group that raised the private funds to build the facility a generation ago. 
This fellow is the vocalist and leader of the band. He had an excellent voice and able to sound a lot like Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Big Crosby, etc. They would go from one song right into the next and he was very good. He must have logged 30 minutes singing in front of the Mike. I visited with him after ward to express my appreciation, and he said they had another performance in Lincoln later today. I think they also enjoy it. 

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