Monday, June 11, 2012

The Hombre

Do you see any similarity between this "hombre" and the old man pictured as the author of this blog page? It was 1953, I was a Technician with USDA Soil Conservation Service working with farmers in Seward County, NE. We surveyed various conservation practices such as: Terraces, Waterways, Drainage systems, Dams and Irrigation systems. We also worked with farmers planting trees, planning wildlife areas, grassland management and crop rotations, etc. It was very satisfying work. During the terrace "lay-out" season it wasn't unusual for me to walk 7-8 miles/day. It was also the summer that I played baseball with Seward in the Cornhusker League as well as continuing with Garland in the Blue Valley League.  This involved 3 games/week in addition to practices. Seward celebrated an "Old Settler's Day" and had a beard contest at the County Fair. Our daughter was born during the week of the fair and Grandparents took care of her two older brothers. Times were "tough" as demonstrated by the wear showing on my Tee shirt. Elaine was doing a lot of canning, we were both "picking up" part time work, and  "living within our means". These were some of the "Best Years of Our Lives" and we didn't realize it at the time. 


  1. Great picture! I don't remember seeing you with a beard but must have since we were still in high school at that time.

  2. It's very obvious where I got my love for dressing up and doing living history.
