Many trees were planted during Arbor Day last week which is good. While it doesn't get the National Publicity it does in Nebraska because of having been started by J. Sterling Morton, while a Nebraska City newspaper editor, it is recognized nationally.
Morton was appointed Secretary of Agriculture during President Cleveland's administration. He promoted coordinated services to farmers as well as encouraging the National Forest Preserves. I believe the Arch walkway over Independence Avenue which connects the South Agriculture Building with the Administration Building is named in his honor. (check it out Jon). His son Joy Morton started the Morton Salt Company in Chicago. Pictured is a Red Oak tree we planted in our back yard in the spring of 1995. This was the way it looked during its 2nd year. It was a "scrub" tree that required "staking" and careful pruning for the first few years. It is now over a foot in diameter and some 35 feet high. We have Hosta growing at its base and have always given it plenty of water. It is amazing how fast trees will grow if they are 5-6' tall when planted as compared to those 12-14'.When Clarence and I were planting trees for Nebraska Nurseries over 50 years ago, a fellow here in Seward built a new house and wanted to show it off with 15' Pin Oak trees. We drive past them every time we go to Lincoln, and to this day, the trees have never had the "vigor" nor the size of much smaller trees planted at the same time. Some time it pays to be "Penny wise rather than pound foolish".
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