Thursday, December 15, 2011

Seward Foundation

Board members of the Seward Foundation gathered this morning to present a check to representatives from the 4-H Afterschool Clubs program. This is one of 3 grants that the Foundation has approved this fall. Two other grants were approved this spring. The Foundation was established as a 501 (c)(3) back in the early '80's when it became apparent that local funding would be essential to nurture local school and community programs. Grant request to the Foundation must first be approved by the Seward School Board or the Seward City Council. The Foundation Directors continue an annual fund raising effort to build their modest endowment. Administrative expenses are nearly Nil with much of the cost of mailings picked up by Board members or their businesses. None of the dollars given to the Foundation have ever been spent but it's only the earnings from those donated dollars that are distributed as grants. Consequently, the dollars distributed as grants over the years exceeds the total amount ever donated. It's been a win-win program for the community.

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