Saturday, July 23, 2011

Classic Car & Classy Family

We moved to our "big house" in Seward during the spring of 1955. It was a great 5 bedroom bungalow and a real step-up from our first little 2-bedroom house. At the time, we didn't realize how much we accomplished in our first 6 years of marriage. We had 4 kids, a '52 Chevy that we bought new and I was well established in my job as a USDA SCS Conservation Technician. Elaine was working part-time at the local movie theater which provided us with free passes and I was selling and planting landscaping material for Nebraska Nurseries on a part time basis. We were doing well enough financially that I bought this 1936 Ford Victoria as a 2nd car. It had belonged to a lady here in Seward and was in excellent condition. We always left it parked on          the street and was handy to jump into rather than getting the other car out of the garage. One morning, Elaine, Verlon, Tim & Carolyn got in the car and rushed off to Sunday School with Tim in the back seat. As they went around the corner on 5th street, Tim's door flew open and he went rolling out onto the street. Ironically, I was in the living room with Jon and saw the whole thing unfold. I ran out in my pajamas and picked him up off the street. Fortunately he was not hurt but a little shook up. We "dusted him off" and sent them on their way. Elaine doesn't remember much about her lesson that morning but can be sure that it included some "Thanks" for Tim's well-being and might have even included some request for me to get rid of the car. 
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