Whorls are among the top 5 most recognized Irish symbols along with such things as the Shamrock, Harps,Trinity Knots and Claddagh Symbols. Here is a picture and description of an item I put on eBay today as an Irish Symbol of Life.
A little label on the bottom reads, "Triple spiral from New Grange, Co. Meath, 3000 B.C. (symbol of three, male, female, child: birth, love, death, the flowing continuity of life). Hand Made at the Wild Goose Studio, Kinsale, Co. Cork, Ireland. ref 117".
It stands 1 1/8 inches high and 2 1/2 across at the widest point. I am not aware of the metal of which it is made. The "unending lines" have a copper appearing glow. The item is in excellent condition.
The item was sold in a box of other stuff at an estate sale of people from Seward who had done considerable foreign travel. I'm sure they brought it home from Ireland many years ago. I put an initial price of $25.00 on it. It will be interesting to see how much interest there may be. I was able to find this additional information of Whorls.
These curving circles seem to go on endlessly, spiraling into themselves. For the Irish, the whorl or spiral is a powerful symbol of life everlasting. Each turn of the circle reveals the passage through birth, death, and spiritual rebirth. Within the curved lines of each circular pattern, milestones can be marked and honored.